Monday, December 31, 2012


Arcadia, Illinois was the destination for Christmas Eve.  Linda and Eddie hosted the annual Braner Family gathering. Their children/spouses/grandchildren started arriving in early evening.
What a wonderful, loud, hysterically funny good time! It's always a contest of one-liners with each one outdoing the last! So much good food, gifts and a game of "dirty Santa" involving gift cards from fabulous restaurants that will go down in history.


Three Braner brothers and wives!  This group has been through some life challenges for lots of years now and we love them!
Linda and Eddie, Jewel and Jim, Me and Honeybuns! (We'll ALWAYS be younger than the rest of them!)  Counting all the kids  grandkids, and girlfriends, 23 total! They always want to take pictures of the "old folks."  Evidently they're worried that someone won't be around next year!  Perhaps!  But no time soon for these old boys, they come from "good stock!"

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