Sunday, November 25, 2012


Today our pastor, Dr. Dan Bair gave a fabulous sermon on Thanksgiving! It was very appropriate for this weekend, but it went beyond the usual, "let us give thanks for the harvest" November talk. I've been thinking about it all afternoon.

He took two Bible verses and created much thought. I could hear the wheels turning inside the heads of folks seated all around me. People were taking notes, faces were deep in thought.

I Thessolonians 1:2-3 is the spot.  Dan flashed his incredible smile and outlined Paul's writing with WHOM? WHAT? WHEN?

Who do we gives thanks for, what do we give thanks for and when.

It was incredible!

I was stuck on the WHOM part for several minutes and quickly jotted down names of people in my life that have invested in me. I listed several patient souls that gave of themselves and their time to help me understand the scriptures and it's Author. Some will never know of their impact! A few have graduated on heavenward!

Here's my short list:
Rosemary J, Alyse R, Jeanne N, Jane R,  Mary K, Eleanor C, Donna S, Cindy F, Linda B, Rita B,  Melissa T, Robert L, Walter K, Jerry K, Ruth F, Andy B, Philip B, Dennis B.  I'm sure there are many more. (Several are from my Bible Study Fellowship history, a couple of Sunday School Teachers, a couple of pastors.) These are the folks that looked me straight in the eye and told the truth.  And that truth penetrated this thick skull and changed me forever.

Also, Dan encouraged us to list names of people that God has given us so that we might invest in them. Sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, I am thankful for each one!

WHAT do I give thanks for? The good news that God Himself came to this earth to help us/me understand HIS character.  The gospel is more than WORDS, it is LIFE. We give thanks for the Indwelling Holy Spirit that teaches, guides and comforts. We give thanks for the written WORD that explains all we need explained.

WHEN do I give thanks?  Well, not nearly often enough!!  BUT, if I cultivate a thankful heart, I will become a thankful person.

When I thank God for someone, my thoughts and actions toward them change.  I am kinder, empathetic, helpful, giving, patient, long-suffering, filled with joy and love.

When I am thankful for the gospel, it puts LIFE into it's proper perspective.
When I am thankful for the Holy Spirit, I find peace in difficult situations.
When I am thankful for the Bible, I find I'm immersed in it more frequently.

WOW, what a great day at church!

This truly must be the purpose for SUNDAYS!

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