Thursday, March 5, 2015


The campaign ads have begun and no one, except maybe the people profiting from the ad, is thrilled about that! As much as I try to stay out of the political conversation, I am drawn back in by a comment, question or striking picture.  (Somewhere in my DNA is a political gene!)

This morning a candidate asked,  "Don't you WANT to have a woman President?"  Cheers abounded.

And so I answer. (When  I'm alone I talk back to the TV or write a blog post!)

I do NOT want a woman President, a male President, a purple President, black, white, yellow, pink or lime green President.  Why does a persons outward appearance rank so high among, "we the people?"

I want a President that is a proven leader, smart, qualified, fearless and capable of governing!

Why have we reduced the position of the most powerful person IN THE their color, gender, or political savvy? Why would we cheer for such foolish statement?

(I've given this a lot of thought!)

It seems that the Presidential vote has been reduced to a popularity contest based on appearance, brief sound bites, glowing words and TONS OF MONEY, regardless of where that money originated.

Hollywood influence has to be inserted here as well.  Our pop culture says our leader should be young, strikingly beautiful, wear designer clothes and, of course, be a certain weight.  Our leader must be witty, with beautiful teeth, and a lovely family.  He or she must be a reflection of how WE want to be!

Wouldn't it be refreshing if the issues became important once again or a person's history of legal and moral accomplishments were displayed without bias?

There are folks out there crying out for such a change. I don't know if this will be the cycle that citizens demand integrity, experience, common sense, and pure motives. I don't know if they are the majority.

If the people interviewed by Jesse Watters is any indication, then probably not! (Those folks have a hard time remembering their own name or where they left their car, let alone the name of their governor or state representative.)

 No doubt there will be people that vote for a woman JUST because she is a woman and somehow that will improve the state of the nation.

We've learned nothing.  After all, it's a chance to make history, right?

I'm turning off the TV and not answering the political calls to my phone.  For now.

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