Today is the day. I've put it off long enough! Honeybuns bought me a new filing cabinet and in returned I vowed to get my home office in order.
What was I thinking??? Who needs this kind of stress?
For hours I have been sorting, pitching and filing. This type of work has NEVER been my forte. In fact, ONE TIME, YEARS AGO, I volunteered to help Honeybuns out at his office and together we went to work on a Saturday. My job was to FILE!
That job lasted ONE hour before I told him to "take this job and shove it." Too tedious, too time consuming and I really didn't care if a work order got into the right little pocket of that massive alphabetized cabinet anyway. Now really, is there any eternal value in that?? I quit before he had time to sign a pink slip!
Details are beyond my comprehension. I can see the FOREST but not the TREES. A person that loves to file can see the LEAVES!
There's probably a right-brain, left-brain scientific reason for this type of vision.
Just give me the big picture any day!
Since no filing fairy has appeared at the house today, I have to do this whether I like it or not.
In the process of digging though old baskets, boxes and upright desk filers, I have tripped down memory lane. I've discovered old stories half written, genealogy charts, grand children's drawings and guests lists for wedding rehearsal dinners! (Never mind that the last wedding was nine years ago!)
Tons of paper has been pitched and only the necessities of life are filed in brightly colored hanging folders. Maybe I'll actually use this system if it's pretty, right?
I now have drawers for current issues, writing ideas and assignments, and historical items that are useless but hold too much sentiment to throw away. One day I'll need that information!
My future goal now is to go PAPERLESS! I've seen it advertised on the TV. A device can be purchased that automatically scans, sorts, and files on the computer any piece of paper you need to keep. GREAT!
HHHhhhmmmm.....wonder how many hours THAT'S going to take!
I'd much rather be visiting with a family member or friend, or better yet, a grandchild! This organizational stuff is for the obsessive compulsory type.
Just call me Mrs. Magoo, Honeybuns does!