Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Last Sunday our church congregation heard a terrific message from Dr. Steve Farrar that left a burning thought  imprinted on my mind.  His theme was "God is good, the Bible is true and our leaders are insane." Yep, he actually said that.   It was a relief to hear someone say aloud what we've all been thinking. He went on to help us all understand the relevance of the scriptures to life today.  Oh, my!  How very insightful.

SO...I've been thinking all week about that concept!  What IF?  What IF we actually sifted what we're seeing and know to be true through the grid of the scriptures...the Bible IS true after all, for all time!

I start with the Sovereignty of God, one of THE major tenets of Christendom.  You see HE is or HE isn't!  There's no halfway to that doctrine.  I believe HE IS!  The  God of creation, all knowing, all powerful is not surprised in the least at the events of the world today.  I am!  We are!  BUT, nope, HE is not.

Because HIS plan is always good and for MY good and HIS glory, I (we) struggle.  Not everything that's happening in our world, in our country is good!  So what do we do with that?

I've been thinking!!  

What IF the end of time as we know it is "just around the corner?"  What IF there are millions of people that do not know the beauty, love and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ?  What IF the days are short and people are being drawn to the Savior?   What IF the American church has failed in its basic core mission of "making Christ known?"  

Well, what happened in the Bible?  Every time a country, a people group or an individual got "too big for their britches" God the loving Father stepped in.  And usually the picture was not pretty.  

I think of the many times in the OT when God took HIS beloved people down a notch or two and helped them realize their main mission in life.   The promise and mission of the Hebrew people was ALWAYS to make God known to those that didn't know Him.  (Oh, by the way, that was/is ALWAYS the mission of the church in the NT as well)

So...what went wrong?  Over and over again?

Idolatry, that's what!

Could it be that the American Church has lost it's focus and God is brining us back to HIM and HIS mission?

You know:  "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send a pestilence among MY people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will  forgive their sin and heal their land."  II Chronicles 7:14

What IF, WE believers  have replaced the worship of God with the worship of the gods called Comfort, Wealth, Health, Position, Power, Family, Status, Education, etc. What IF we are seeking our satisfaction from these things instead of finding our ALL in Christ?  Could God be removing our idols in order to bring us back to Himself ?

Definition of idolatry:  Looking to anyone or anything to do for you that which only God can do.

(What about the heathens?  Well, the Psalmist asked that question as well, "Why do the heathens rage?"The answer?  Because they're heathens! So stop wondering about that! Stop right now and go read Romans 1.)

Back to our idols.  I confess, I LOVE Comfort!  I adore Comfort!  I adore my grandchildren and my husband.  I ADORE my very comfortable lifestyle.  Am I looking to those things to find my contentment and satisfaction?  You bet cha!  

Could  it be that God is tearing down our idols?

We're mostly a nation of whiners these days as we watch our idols take a tumble.

We are distressed that our economy is out of control and insane leaders pass legislation amounting to trillions of dollars to the degree that we are now owned by a foreign entity.  Wealth?  Done!

We are ill and fearful of a virus and all it's coming variants.  We argue over treatments and masks and social distancing and governmental control. And people die by the thousands.  Health?  Done!

We shake our heads at the complete surrender of our armed forces in Afghanistan and now the evil Taliban are armed to the teeth with our weapons and technology as thousands scramble to safety before the beheadings begin.  Power?  Done!

Love of country?  We have no border, anyone can walk through without penalty to be absorbed into the system of  human trafficking, drug running, rape, attack, etc.  Terrorists abound and wait for an opportune moment...and it WILL come, there is no doubt.  Security?  Done!

Family?  Have you heard the phrase "Family is everything/"  IT IS!  Until death, separations, distance,  misunderstandings, & jealousies rip the unity to shreds.  Family is not eternal, and it is fragile. Family? Done!

Do we find satisfaction in status?  Sometimes.  But what happens when mistakes are made, reputations are ruined either by truth or rumor?  Status?  Done!

And who doesn't love power?  That too, can be gone in an election, a company take over,  the loss of a business or position or a pink slip.. Power?  Done!

You get my drift.

All things earthly and materialistic are fleeting and fragile.

WHAT IF?  God is bringing all kinds of people into America for the AMERICAN CHURCH to repent and return to HIM.  What if ALL this judgment and discipline is for OUR OWN GOOD?

What if HE desires us to repent of all our IDOLATRY and get back to HIS business.  The business of revealing Christ to ALL who come our way, to worship HIM alone, to find our satisfaction in a relationship with HIM, to use and enjoy the gifts HE gives but put them in their proper perspective.

What if HE wants us to know the JOY of introducing the Savior to someone that desperately needs HIM?  

What if HE wants us to turn to HIM in all situations and find deep comfort, joy and yes, satisfaction regardless of life's circumstances?

All this mess we're experiencing could be the very best thing that ever happened to the American Church.  It'll take a supernatural revival to sweep through our churches that have lost themselves to entertainment, self help, social justice and the love of knowledge without application. 

I'm thinking that I'll stop praying for comfort for me and my family and start praying that I will truly know what is means to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength and people as myself."  What will that look like?   It's a little scary, but now I'm thinking again, it's critical.