Christmas #1 was with the Dallas Braners. We loaded up my red truck with gifts and drove 4 hours to Dallas to meet Philip, Nancy and family for lunch at Northwood Country Club. It was a beautiful setting with Santa, Madrigal Singers, A wooden soldier making animal balloons, great food and that busy little (?) family. Philip says his family isn't little, just SHORT! Hereafter they shall be known as the FAB4.
Then it was off to their house for gifts, singing and playtime!
Mollie does a great "Twelve Days."
This was the year of "fingerprint" gifts, the kind made by hand. Honeybuns made Thompson a tool bench that he LOVES. (He is busy making a house now, so no need for alarm clocks anymore. He wakes everybody up with hammering!)
Also, Gracie is going to be Mary at their church Christmas Eve, so "who you gonna call" when you need a costume? She knows who!
Betsy loves her pram, it carries her SNACKS!
(No, we did not make that buggy.)
Christmas! Isn't it great! Distance isn't going to stop us from this kind of fun!
Kid-fun last for such a short period of time, we're going to hug it at every opportunity. (Watching their parents parent, PRICELESS!)
Today I'm packing my snow boots for COLORADO, the FAB5 and Christmas #2!
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