Because my most favorite thing to do is speak at women's events and retreats I am always looking for better ways to communicate ideas. When I find myself stumbling over a concept I cannot rest until I've figured out a way to relay that thought in a clear and concise manner to my audience. Such was the case recently. The subject of the value of a person came up in conversation. People of all sizes, shapes and ages struggle with worth. It's a universal battle. Several times in the course of the day I heard the words broken, wounded, and aching to describe that emptiness and longing of the soul that resides in every human being.
Enter into my thought process a story.
Several years ago I was attending a lovely woman's event that was held in a fabulous antique store in Dallas, TX. The large room was filled with very old extremely valuable items. Tables from long ago England were set with fine china and delicious food was served. I happened to be sitting in a chair that may have at one time held the behind of someone of English descent during the 16th century. It was OLD and creaky and very uncomfortable. When I first sat down my rear end took a dive toward the floor and the chair frame caught me about mid-thigh which left my feet dangling about a foot from the floor. I was folded up like a pretzel and stuck! A few tiny nails scraped my legs. Too embarrassed to say anything I simply smiled continually and stayed in that position until the event was over. At that point it it took all my power to get myself OUT of that hiney-trap. What a piece of junk! Surely the owner would toss that thing out, it was not worth donating to the Salvation Army! It was not safe. It was worthless!
Nope! I learned later that day that one of the ladies attending the luncheon purchased that very chair and a few others exactly like it....for $900.00 EACH! She was thrilled! The value of that chair was determined by the amount she was willing to pay for it. It meant NOTHING to me...but quite a bit to her!!
I am convinced that the value of a person is not determined by looks, quality, beauty, purpose, accomplishments, talent, education, race, pedigree, work ethic, personality, or status.
We humans are ALL broken, wobbly, worthless, dirty, uncomfortable and sometimes OLD. No matter! The worth of a person is determined by the PRICE that was PAID. Jesus paid the ultimate high, blood-draining cost of His very own life for each of us and therefore we are PRICELESS in His estimation! The deal is sealed. There is not one thing I can do, think or accomplish to deserve such love. I think that is the definition of Grace!
I have much in common with that rickety, old antique chair.
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