For the past ten years we have been making the trip to Durango, CO to visit Andy's family at Kanakuk Kamp there. This year will be no different, except the name is now Camp Kivu. The teenagers that attend there will be similar to those of past years. They all have bright shiny eyes, strong bodies, and smiles as big as Texas as they have the time of their lives. They take on the rapids, climb the rocks, bike the mountains, dance, play and laugh for 13 days. It's fun to watch, but it's even "funner" to participate! Floating the river with six 13 year old girls as the rapids approach can be (and was for me) a life changing experience. On top of all the activity is great food, friendships that last forever and classes on "Worldview" that bring a new awareness of God and the plight of others into their hearts. Stunned and delighted parents testify that their teenager has been transformed from the inside out because of their 13 day term at Camp Kivu.
One of the most beautiful adventures of Durango is taking the train that chugs its way up the mountain to Silverton, a 4 hour trip. We've donned our striped engineer hats several times and made the journey. The steam engine blows black smoke and the whistle blows at the station to announce that it's time to quit gawking and get aboard. On our first trip we took just one grandchild along, this year there will be FIVE. 5 times the fun, no doubt. Maybe we'll qualify for a group rate! We will again sit on benches with windows open taking in the magnificent view of trees, valleys, rivers, snow and an occasional hiker. Keeping all hands and heads inside the train car becomes the main task. The visual picnic is breath-taking.
Not all train rides are so delicious. When starting any new life adventure I'm often very aware that the "train has left the station", out of my control into an uncertain future. When stuff gets hard, I wonder if I'm on the train or on the track!! But every trip transforms me in some way. I look at things or people differently, many times with a new appreciation. Life itself is an adventure and life is grand.
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