Aren't bridges always better??
Because it's part of the national debate, of course I have to add my two cents to the discussion!( I have no delusion that anyone is interested in my opinion, but writing is therapy! And I certainly need lots of that during this election process.)
The fence debate continues, gets louder and frankly a little stupid.
Building fences and walls have somehow been labeled racists, unloving and a tool of the isolationists. Why do we need walls, fences or borders anyway? Aren't we part of the new global, one world, "let's love everybody" system?
Take a look at the picture above.
This is the newly designed, MUCH HIGHER, fence recently constructed around the White House grounds in DC. The secret service insisted it be put in place because of recent "fence jumpers" who undoubtedly had evil intent and perhaps wanted to do physical harm to our President and his family or damage to the building and grounds itself. This fence serves a good purpose. And I've heard not one complaint about the protection this particular fence provides. Of course, everyone, wants the people's house and it's residents safe. And we have to agree: there ARE some nutcases out there.
And then of course there's this:
This is the fence constructed at the recent Democratic National Convention. No doubt this fence aided the police as they tried to keep the peace and encourage safety for protesters, delegates, and VIP's
So....I conclude we LIKE fences/walls.....sometimes!
The debate seems to heat up when we turn our eyes to the southern border of the US, not so much the northern border.
The question becomes, why does a nation need a wall? Why does a nation even need a border?
I heard a politician say just this week, "If we do not have a border, we do not have a country."
I've also heard very loving, kind, young people say, "Why do we need a border anyway? Aren't we all God's children?"
My thoughts:
A secure border defines territory, jurisdiction and responsibility.
The land and it's people INSIDE a border BELONG to that country.
The land is owned by the people that purchased it or the government that has declared it belongs to ALL the people of the nation. (National Parks!)
The land cannot be infringed upon, grabbed, or used by anyone other than the owner without that owners permission. It is cared for financially and physically by it's owner. Simple, right?
The people (citizens either by birth or through the legal process of gaining citizenship) of a country have the wonderful privilege and responsibility of governing, voting, serving, and taking care of the land AND EACH OTHER. They also determine what amount of financial/military responsibility they will assume for foreign nations, who will lead them, how the budget will be spent, how every person will be protected, & how the legal/business/judicial system will be regulated.
The plan works pretty good!! In theory! Debates, discussions, and votes are forever refining and changing the way the country does things.
So...let's imagine an area of no borders, no walls, no fences, no immigration system.
If you've traveled outside the US, you have quickly realized the EVERYONE wants to come to the United States to live. Many risk life and limb to get here. And many give there lives in the attempt to set foot on American dirt. (Ex...Cuban immigrants to Florida)
People of other nations see the freedom, the prosperity and the opportunity this country offers and desire to be a part of that. Wonderful!!! As the statue says, "give us your tired, poor, hungry....."
America has ALWAYS welcomed people from nations all over the world.
BUT.......there is a process to gain entry and citizenship that is now being questioned. There MUST be a vetting process in place to prevent large numbers of people that do NOT have the best interest of America and it's citizens in mind. There are millions of people that desire to participate in those wonderful privileges of voting, governing, and enjoying the generosity of hard working taxpayers and government programs. Who wouldn't??
BUT.... There are also people that would like nothing better than to destroy our cities, schools, government and citizens from the inside out by USING those same tools of voting, gaining positions of power, and general freedom. Homeland security warns us over and over again that it's not a matter of IF, but when a large scale, perhaps even nuclear, attack will occur in one of our major cities.
Shall we build a bridge and invite everyone to cross as if everyone has innocent intentions?
When we discuss illegal immigrants should we consider physical, financial and political issues?
How many people that do NOT love freedom of speech, religion, dress, or job opportunity would it take before a city, a state or even a country is changed forever through the voting booth? OR by taking advantage of the generosity of very well-intended governmental programs and plans.
Can't happen? I have been to Brownsville, Texas and other cities on our southern border. They no longer even SLIGHTLY resemble American cities the rest of the country know.
I have seen the "wall" designed to protect those folks there and it is a joke! I have stayed with a family that has owned an orchard for generations and their trees are being destroyed by illegals trekking through it at night, sneaking into the area. I have seen the piles of trash, clothing, plastic bottles left behind. At times dead bodies are found because of the heat, danger, lack of water. It's tragic,, and no humane way to welcome those that want to come here.
Home invasions are common there, fear of the Mexican Cartel is rampant. Texas, New Mexico and Arizona residents have stories that will make your hair stand straight up on your head.
Those Americans by birth want to stay, it is their home. They are trying desperately to keep their homes and property.
How will removing the partial wall help the situation? How will building a bridge in the name of loving kindness help? How can we support ALL the people that want to come here?
(I truly believe there is a tipping point we will reach when the number of people paying into the system to help folks will be LESS than the number of people receiving the financial help. Reminder: we are TRILLIONS of $$ in debt now. Soon the millions of dollars we pay for interest DAILY on that debt will exceed the revenue coming into the government till. Who will help thousands of illegal immigrants then?? That's a tough statement for folks who believe money grows on trees. )
Should we welcome struggling immigrants? YES! Should we help anyone that needs help? YES! Should we help third world countries prosper so their people will want to stay in their own country? YES! Should we improve our vetting system for those applying for entry? YES! Should we help improve those "ghettos" where many immigrants are forced to live? YES!
But, as much as we would like to, we cannot feed, clothe, educate, and medicate all the people the world OR even all the people that want to come here to live. It is absolutely impossible.
As generous as "we the people" are, it is absolutely impossible.
Without borders, we have no country. Physically, socially, politically or financially.
Without borders, without a wall or a fence, there will be no America for folks to come to.
We will be a third world country that will be able to help no one!
It sounds harsh, but a wall on the Southern border is the most loving thing we can do for those folks that live there, for the people that want to come here safely, for the future of freedom and safety for the rest of the country as well.
Congress voted years ago to build a wall to define our borders. Funding it is the challenge.
(Could a wall and entry through it be abused? Sure, but hopefully thinking America will take care of that, too. )
The White House fence and the Democratic Convention fence prove the point. Sometimes they're needed for protection, safety, financial stability and freedom for those that work very hard to make this land the best place in the world for ALL people that want to be part of our democracy.
You think we can get past the 30 second sound bites and really think this thing through?